Preflight/Getting Ready (July 28, 1996)

It's never to early to panic, I always say. I now have about three weeks to pack up my belongings and put them into storage, write a book outline/sample chapter (not related to the trip), and get myself packed and ready for the trip. This weekend, in fact, I've finally given away the old Corvus Concept and some spare CompuPro computer boards and thrown away about 50 pounds of files relating to my work with the Alternative Energy News back in Santa Cruz ten, fifteen years ago (not everything, just the extraneous, out-of-date files)



For the moment, Jovica and I are trying to work out how to fit in:


At the moment, it looks as though I'll try to travel relatively light:

Okay, back to packing....

The first equipment test

Europe '96 | Ivritype | My WELL pages

Page maintained by Ari Davidow, / Last revised 7/28/96.