PDF of Simon Prais' thesis now available

Well, this has actually been available for over a year—I am the dilatory one. British typographer Simon Prais did his thesis some 20 years ago about typesetting Hebrew and Latin alphabets together. I happily talk about it on my Hebrew typography bibliography page. He has created a new website devoted to Hebrew/Latin typography, and the first entry is this thesis:. Check out www.hebrewtypography.me.uk He writes that "I recently gave a presentation from which my talk has been combined with the slides and put into a quick-time movie. I will soon also have this available to download form the same site." Do encourage him to be more speedy in this endeavor than I have been in letting you know of the treasure now online.


Thanks. I'm still catching up on websites, but more materials coming soon.

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This page contains a single entry by Ari Davidow published on November 28, 2007 8:53 PM.

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